Holy Cross Village Vice President Brandon Kastner wants to change the dynamics of Leadership in 2025. A good leader is defined much differently today than they were a generation ago. He asks, “How can we use this new year to shepherd in new thinking, creative approaches to teamwork, and use our talents to support the achievements of those around us?”
With this question in mind, Brandon provides 5 dynamic leadership traits to bring into the New Year.
#1 Do not check emails after 5pm

Leadership Tip: Encourage your staff to not look at emails after work. You won’t be sending emails and, if you do, they are not expected to respond after hours.
Question: What does it mean to be present?
Question: When I am home, how can I be more engaged with my family?
Question: Am I aware of how much time I spend disengaged when at home?
#2 Define your priorities- make them public

Leadership Tip: Publicizing your priorities is a great way to set boundaries for your supervisor and the staff you supervise. Don’t fall into the trap of sacrificing a priority for work, you’ll find it easier to do time and time again. Stick with it, friend, your priorities are important– don’t sacrifice your happiness for other people’s lack of preparation.
Question: Does your supervisor know your priorities? Have you discussed this with them?
Question: What’s your Why?
#3 Take PTO. Use all of it!

Leadership Tip: Now is the time to earn that degree from the school of your dreams or hike a part of the Appalachian Trail. Encourage the staff you work with to reach for the stars, take time off work to travel, or explore what this great planet has to offer. This investment in yourself and others will pay dividends for years to come. Don’t PTO shame, use it and celebrate its use!
Question: Why do you have PTO leftover at the end of the year? What are you saving it for?
Question: How comfortable do the staff feel about requesting time off from you?
Question: Are you or the staff using the education assistance fund from work?
#4 Go to the doctor...Get an annual check-up

Leadership Tip: Anxiety, pain, depression, and other health concerns should be discussed with your primary care physician. Committing to an annual check up with your practitioner can open the door to other preventative health measures that will help you to live your best life. Implementing a preventative health plan in your organization can help staff find treatment and care they might have shelved for one reason or another. You cannot lead if you aren’t committed to self-care.
Question: When was your last annual visit with your practitioner? Do you have a primary care physician?
#5 Never forget, as a leader, you're in a fish bowl

Leadership Tip: Your life as a leader is always under examination from the staff you lead and the people around you. Take advantage of that fish-bowl metaphor and lead by example. If you don’t make it important, neither will anyone you lead.